
Marine Futures Conference


9:30 am - 3:00 pm


Petroc College
Old Sticklepath Hill, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 2BQ

Event Type

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A quick summary of the day – there’s something for everyone!

8.30-9.30am: Business breakfast – organised by STEM learning Engaging and Retaining the Future Workforce in Marine and Green

9.30 – 2pm: FLOW supply chain Business conference

1.45pm – 3pm: Gwynt Glas SW supply chain briefing

Gwynt Glas, an EDF Renewables UK & DP Energy partnership to develop floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea, will be hosting a Supply Chain Briefing Event for regional business to attend directly after the Marine Futures B2B Conference. To find out more and register for the Gwynt Glas Supply Chain Briefing Event click

2pm – 4pm: Presentations & workshops for Yr12/level 3 students (contact [email protected])

4-6pm: CPD for teachers organised by STEM learning

6pm – 7.30pm: Parents, community session – ALL WELCOME

How can you get involved?

  1. Join us for the business conference – please book a ticket using this eventbrite link
  2. Promote the business conference to colleagues and your wider network
  3. Encourage friends and the wider community to attend the evening event
  4. Promote the schools and teachers sessions to educators in your network (Yr12/level 3 students/teachers can book by emailing [email protected])
  5. Bring a stand along to promote your business to other businesses, teachers, students and the wider community – please contact [email protected]
  6. Share, retweet the event on your social media [@PetrocOfficial and #marinefuturesevent2023]