Opportunity for rural micro manufacturers to help shape future support programmes
Devon County Council is looking to engage with rural micro businesses (fewer than 10 employees) in the manufacturing sector to find out what might be preventing them from boosting their productivity, and what could help them increase sales and grow or develop their business. The ‘Engaging Rural Micros’ project initially aims to speak to over 100 micro businesses in Mid and North Devon through short surveys, conversations, focus groups and other research.

Participating businesses will benefit from the ability to express their needs as a rural micro business owner and get those implemented into future programme design. Businesses choosing to attend focus groups will also receive a free basic business support pack including expert business planning, marketing and social media guides! The findings will then be used in the design of a new business support trial to help prepare businesses to embrace development opportunities. Research participants can express an interest in taking part in the trial, providing further opportunity to get support with boosting their productivity.