The 22nd Annual NDMA (North Devon Manufacturers Association) Awards were held on 16th May at the Barnstaple hotel, celebrating the achievements of the region’s diverse and prolific manufacturing industry.
The night traditionally ends with a raffle in aid of a chosen charity with prizes donated by local businesses. This year, the nominated charity was Over and Above, supporting Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust, with an introduction earlier in the evening from Richard Barnes of Beran Instruments Ltd.

At the final count, the raffle raised £1915 which makes it one of the most successful raffles in the history of the awards.
Thanks to the generously donated prizes from: Cedars Inn, SR Furniture, Barnstaple Hotel/Brend Hotels, Anglo Krempel, Anew South West, Portmore Golf Club, Petroc, Reflect2Grow, Sam’s Cider (Winkleigh Cider Company), GT Ales, Forrest Brown
Read more about the awards HERE